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for now here's a little about me 

My heartfelt desire for you is that your wedding day ends up being a marker of how stunning your marriage will be! Because I believe that EVERY SINGLE wedding day is beyond precious and deserves to be treated as such, serving you wholeheartedly is something I don't take lightly. It's an absolute honor that you're even considering having me document precious moments in your life. So thank you! I believe in relationally driven photography, that strives to intentionally preserve bits of history in the making. 

I'm a Georgia based photographer. Saved by the precious grace of Christ and I hope to humbly reflect that grace in everything I do. It astounds me time and time again that THIS is what I've been entrusted with! I have the honor of stepping into some of the sweetest and most intimate moments in peoples lives. That is a tremendous blessing and I never want to take it for granted. SO thank you, for considering inviting me to capture your story and for taking the time to read this. Hopeful that I get to meet you soon ;)

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